About Me

Hello! I’m Jason Surh.

I’m a Seattle based YouTuber, photographer, and videographer with a focus on living life to the fullest.

In a previous life, I worked as a web designer for my father, as a software developer for Lockheed Martin, and a program manager working for Xbox. But over time, I found that these career paths were not for me. So I decided to leave all of that behind to pursue my passion by creating my own media company.

I love creating content for a wide variety of subjects. For photography and videography, I mainly focus on real estate, fire spinning, pets, and portraits. For YouTube, I focus on traveling, life experiences, and hobbies. That being said, if it involves a camera, I’m open to doing it. Living this life of creativity has allowed me to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life. I love learning about the different lifestyles, world views, and hobbies that each person has to offer. Its this passion for people and adventure that drives me forward and keeps me going each and every day.

If you want to collaborate or are interested in having some work done, let me know! You can find ways to contact me here.